Podcasting with the NonRev Lounge Team!
Podcasting with the NonRev Lounge Team! Cap’n Aux rubs elbows and shares adventures with the crew of the über-popular Nonrev Lounge Podcast!
Podcasting with the NonRev Lounge Team! Cap’n Aux rubs elbows and shares adventures with the crew of the über-popular Nonrev Lounge Podcast!
Of Podcasts, SpaceX, and UFOs! Folks, it’s been a crazy week—and that’s not even talking politics! I’m excited to announce that my good Blog Buddy and fellow Pilot-Author-Blogger, Captain George Nolly (Ret.) has released his latest podcast. And, it’s an in-depth chat with Yours Truly! I always enjoy being interviewed on podcasts, but this one […]
The Airline Cockpit in 7 Steps—Updated! Ladies and gentlemen, from the flight blog, this is your Cap’n speaking. By popular demand, the following is an update of one of our most viral blog posts ever, and rightly so. Advice for you up-n-comers on your pending airline career! Following the post are quite a few updated scholarship opportunities […]
Fabulous Females Flight, Podcasts and More! Folks, it’s been a busy week here in Capnauxland . . . ——————— First of all, you ALL are invited to join us in Dallas next week for this way cool fashion show, benefitting multiple charities. Team Aux’s Producer Bunny was hand-selected to be one of the models gracing […]
Folks, the videos I’m cutting for you from Oshkosh are going great! Our first post, an interview with the stars of Discovery Channel’s “Airplane Repo,” should be out some time next week, followed by the Fairey Gannet story. Both will publish on NYCAviation.com, and we’ll have a deeper story here. Here’s a (very low-res.) teaser of what’s to […]
Holy moly, people, I gotta take a breath! Been going at it 24/7 (so it seems!) here at Oshkosh, and there’s so much more to see! I hope you’ve been enjoying my Tweets and Facebook posts on our Cap’n Aux page. If not, here are the links: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CapnAux Twitter: https://twitter.com/capnaux And if you didn’t catch our Simpleflight.net […]