#blog #aviation #avgeek #bestof
(Special thanks to Ron at rapp.org for the gorgeous photo with his stunning bride!) |
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A short 30 sec. video for you in honor of our Loving Day!
Direct Link: http://vimeo.com/85984932
February 22-23
Look for the banner, JetStar Publishing
We will be having gobs of fun doing a meet and greet and book signing at our booth!
(View my novels Here: http://amazon.com/author/ericauxier)
I’m thrilled for the opportunity to meet you!
Don’t forget, that’s February 22nd—less than 10 days away!
And now . . .
Sit back, relax, and enjoy . . .
As voted by your clicks!
Coming in at . . .
The Cap’n & the Controller
It’s “Trading Places” for pilot and air traffic controller in this intriguing series, as blog buddy Brian and I share with each other—and you—life from opposite sides of the microphone.
Part I: Brian takes a jumpseat flight with me to SEA and back, while our smart aleck blog peeps around the world throw one helluva Flight Tracking party!
Part II Major Tom meets Ground Control as we take an eye-opening visit to PHX TRACON (Terminal RAdar CONtrol) and Tower!
My Best Instructional Moments
Our first Blogging in Formation post to appear in this list, wherein six pilot-bloggers wax eloquently about a given topic on aviation.
This post’s subject: our most memorable flying lessons learned . . . the hard way.
It begins, “I nearly wet my pants.”
‘Nuff said!
The Sky Fell
(Blogging in Formation: My Most Memorable Flight)
The true story of my most intense flight as a young cheechacko (greenhorn) bush pilot in Alaska.
The extreme experience transformed my flying —and changed my life.
This post is slated for publication in Airways Magazine this spring.
Around the World in 80 Jumpseats
One of the airline pilot’s greatest fringe benefits is the ability to travel for free in the extra seat in the cockpit, called the jumpseat. An old favorite article of mine, this was once scheduled for publication in Smithsonian Air & Space, but finally, and inexplicably, scrapped. No matter, Smithsonian, I’ve got my very own blog, tuvm!
Blogging in Formation: The Future of U.S.Aviation
This one was a joy to write, as I let my imagination run wild on just what we can expect in the next 100 years of aviation.
But I do speculate very seriously on what’s in store in the next 20 years for today’s up and coming pilots, such as Swayne and Karim.
“Looming pilot shortage”, you are cleared for takeoff!
Blogging in Formation: Aviation History!
You have not heard of Captain Mary Grace Baloyo. But after you clear your eyes from reading this post, you will never forget the Philippine’s only female recipient of its highest honor—the Medal of Valor.
As many times as I’ve read this, I still dab my eyes!
Blogging in Formation: My One Wish for Aviation
Today’s airline pilot has a secret Kryptonite, one that will transform our aviation superhero into a snarling, evil Bizarro-Superman . . .
Blogging in Formation: How I Was Brought to Flying
Ask any pilot how they started flying, and you will hear a love story.
One much like mine . . .
Cap’n Aux Answers Your Avgeek Questions
The 3-part series that turned into 6, nearly every post made the Top 10.
This was a wildly popular series by all accounts!
Here’s all six links . . .
Part I: “Cap’n Aux, have you ever had to . . .
Part II: A Day in the Life of an Airline Pilot
Part III: In the Cockpit, Part 1
Part III v. 2.0: In the Cockpit, Part II
Part IV: Potpourri, Part I
Part IV v. 2.0: Potpourri, Part II
And now for the number one post for the year . . .
I started this entry on a whim, while waiting between flights in LAS.
The airport internet sucked, I was growing bored sitting at Starbucks for 3 hours, and feeling kinda crabby.
Normally I’m a positive guy, and really try to drum up enthusiasm for those avgeeks clamoring for a career in this zany biz. But let’s face it: any business has its warts, and the airline industry has far more than its share.
It was then that I realized, more than being just a cheerleader, I had a responsibility to help our young, Next Gen pilots come into this business with eyes wide open.
The post that out-scored all others by over 1,000 hits . . .
Top Ten Downers of an Airline Pilot Career
Honorable Mentions
Happy Birthday, Cap’n Aux!
This was the most special moment of the year for me: when Bunny surprised me with a video comprised of Happy Birthday wishes…from YOU! I had to stop the vid several times to wipe the tears from my eyes!
…and my short Thank You vid!
Stranger Than Fiction!
Test your avgeek knowledge by taking my little quiz on what’s aviation fact and what’s fiction.
The answers will blow you away!
Link: http://capnaux.com/?p=56
May the 4th be With You!
This whimsical post scored big on the hits, probably just because of its popular theme: Star Wars.
Moreover, this post morphed into a serious discussion on my favorite fictional Captains that have surely inspired my real-life Captainship style . . . just don’t call me Shirley!
Best Office View—Part 1!
Not many words, but a whole lotta pics—the best cockpit shots from the first half of the year! (Which reminds me: we’re overdue for the 2nd half!)
Philippines Flight Track!
Eric n Bunny’s excellent Philippines adventure! 747 jumpseats, millionaire super yachts, famous movie stars . . .
our month-long odyssey had it all!
This post also doubles as “Part 2” of “Best Office View!”
Let’s Go for a (Simulated) Airline Flight!
Part blog, part vlog (video blog), this post takes you inside an airline pilot’s annual simulator check ride!
Speaking of Videos, let’s wrap up our extravaganza with one last 2013 list—the vids!
I have switched to Vimeo (http://vimeo.com/capnaux) for my vids, but there’s still some gems available on the YouTube site:
Cockpit View of SFO 28 Approach:
30 Years in the Life of an Airline Pilot:
Cockpit View of Low Visibility (1/8th mile) Takeoff:
Sunrise at Altitude—more pretty pics, released for Mother’s Day!
Torrey Pines—A grizzled Cap’n visits his roots!
And Finally, for my personal favorite vid of 2013. . .
The Flight Gathers, and Now My Watch Begins
Link: http://vimeo.com/capnaux/flightgathers
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