Cap’n Dillon & There I Wuz!
Let it be known that today, May 18, 2016, is everybody’s most beloved Capn’s Birthday . . .

Cap’n Dillon, Center, on a recent aerial adventure with da boyz—L-R: Cap’n Mike, Cap’n Aux, and Cap’n Tony!
Right now, I’m whipping up another fun video with our “Cap’n of the Day,” and it’s turning out to be a real doozie—get your tissue boxes ready, you’re gonna need ’em! In the meantime, here’s some pics of our favorite Capn’s recent adventures . . .
- Cap’n Tony “signs off” Cap’n Dillon. You can’t imagine what amazing flights this boy has in his logbook now!
- The famous “Phoenix” sign, for wayward mail pilots back in the Day!
- Mark shows us the venerable 737 cockpit.
- Team Aux Sushi Meeting!
Hot off the Press!
This just in from Cap’n Mike—a special wish for the birthday boy!
And, just because it’s so fun to watch, here’s Cap’n Dillon’s first video again!
Direct link:
We’ve had such a fantastic ride so far, both here on the blog and with the release of each new book, I’d like to share with you some of the things you’ve said about our first two volumes of There I Wuz!
Volume 1
“When we come across an aviator with a gift for storytelling, those adventures jump off the page. Eric Auxier is such an author, and There I Wuz! is the book.” —Karlene Petitt, Airline Pilot; Author, Flight to Success
“Like watching a slide show of the life of a pilot. You will seriously enjoy this fast-paced read.”—Jeffry R.

Blog Buddy Miki enjoys There I Wuz! V.2 at everybody’s favorite plane spotter port, Maho Beach!
“Great stories from the pointy end of the plane. Extremely entertaining, enlightening, and just plain funny.”–Mike L.
“Eric takes our minds on a wild ride of fun, laughter, and hair-raising flying tales. A thriller!”—Jean Denis Marcellin, Pilot, Author, The Pilot Factor
“Eric’s stories are so visual and compelling that I was able to read this entire book over a couple sittings in ONE DAY!”—Steve Thorne,

Nephew Sam loves There I Wuz, too!
Volume 2
“Cap’n Aux continues to delight and inform with his latest installment of aviation yarns. Inspiring to future aviators, adventurers and writers alike!”—Lora

“There I Wuz!” makes glass cockpits look good, too!
“A fun read that doesn’t involve a big time commitment. Each chapter stands-alone for the perfect lunch-time diversion or before-bed story. You do NOT need to have read There I Wuz Vol I to thoroughly enjoy Vol II – but I highly recommend you check it out as well!”—Jennifer
“This was the first of Capn Aux’s books that I read and I was absolutely fascinated by it. There is only one flaw to point out: it is too short! Luckily, Capn Aux is a gifted writer. May he then write at jet-speed!”—Eretz73, Amazon Review
Well, Eretz73 and all you others, you’ve waited long enough! Coming soon . . .
“I freaking love this series!”
—Steve Thorne, pilot-videographer,
“Volume 3 is Auxier’s best yet. An entertaining peek at the highlights, and sometimes lowlights, of military and commercial pilots who’ve been-there-done-that.”
—Ron Rapp, professional pilot-writer,
“Captain Eric Auxier is not just a pilot, he is an aviation author, ambassador and legend. Not just one of the rare breed of expert aviators who flies the big jets, but one who opens the bullet-proof cockpit door and welcomes us into the most technically-advanced, risk-laden, yet safest profession.”
—Captain Richard de Crespigny, author, QF32
For the special pre-release of $3.99, and automatic delivery to your kindle or e-reader on the release date—
June 18!
By the way, those enrolled in Kindle Unlimited can read this and all of my books for FREE!
Volume 3 will also release in print on the publication date as well, at a special initial offer of $7.99!
In addition, watch for special discounts on Volumes 1 and 2, coming soon!
What’s new in Volume 3?
In this military-themed edition, I take a backseat to several Top Gunner Hot Shots, such as . . .
Major Rob Burgon, F-22 Raptor Pilot
Excerpt from Airborne Assassins
“Darkstar, Raptor 1, weapons green, fuel green.”
My four-ship splits up to provide 360-degree coverage of the target area. High above the strikers in our CAP (Combat Air Patrol), we see a massive launch of hostile aircraft, intent on destroying our strikers. The radios erupt with chatter, as the tactical controllers alert the pilots of the danger. My wingman and I go to work, targeting and shooting the bandits as they seem to belt feed off the airfield . . . .
LCDR Leland Shanle, former F4-Phantom Pilot
Excerpt from Phantom Phlashback
I dove to 15,000 feet, trying to get sight of the tiny Hornets.
We were going to pass inside of a few hundred feet, at a combined 1,000 MPH. I decided to pull him into the phone booth to see what he had. I jammed both throttles to full burner and wrenched on 8 g’s in an early turn.
Air combat is 80% mental. I wanted to see if this guy was a fighter pilot, or just some dude who flew around in fighters. I put my nose on him and pulled.
He was a fighter pilot.
His F-18 matched my move with a 9 g pull, the air above his wings compressed so violently that it turned to steam. We were going to pass very close, neither surrendering in our little game of chicken . . .

Captain Alan Carter, caught in a serious moment.
- More Military Stories
- Inflight Emergencies
- Lessons (Learned the Hard Way)
- The Cap’n Strikes Back
- The Cap’n Answers Your Aviation Questions
- #Crewlife
- Special Bonus material in the eBook version!
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Qantas A380 Captain Richard de Crespigny, Author, QF32 (
- LCDR Leland Shanle
- Major Rob Burgon
- Alan Carter, 747 Captain and Humorist
- Airplanista Dan Pimentel, Pilot and writer for Flying, AOPA Pilot, etc.
- Foreword by A380 Captain Richard de Crespigny
This blog post is dedicated to the passengers, friends and family of Egyptair Flight 804, missing at press time. Sending out prayers and positive thoughts for a speedy resolution.
Let’s put the responsibility on US, the readers and viewers, to intelligently assess the situation, rather than blindly believing everything the news media pours out about this event. The truth will eventually out, from the proper authorities . . . who are NOT the news media!