Changing Bases

Changing Bases

Changing Bases

Changing Bases

Howdy folks, from the Flight Blog, welcome aboard!

Today I have exciting news to share: I’m changing Bases!

What’s that mean, you ask? Well, let me explain!

As we’ve discussed in the past, pilots often live and work in two different places. For example, a pilot may live in Denver, but be “based” in Chicago. That means that s/he must “commute” (travel as a passenger) to/from Denver–Chicago to start or end their scheduled trip.

Changing Bases
Southwest Airlines Bases

As for me, for the past year and a half, since I’ve been on the 777, I’ve been based in Dallas. So, to start and end my trips, I have to get myself from my home in PHX (Phoenix) to DFW.

That means I have to find a flight that has room for me, and ride over as a passenger, just to start my trip. This typically adds about half a day on the front and back end of any trip.

But, hey, it’s worth the hassle in order to live where you want!

Changing Bases
United Airlines Bases

Changing Bases


As we’ve discussed many times here, for a pilot, Seniority is everything. Basically, it is based on your longevity with said Company. The longer you’re there, the more people retire above you, and new-hires are hired below you, moving you up the “roster.”

Your seniority affects what plane you can fly, what seat you can hold (Captain/FO), what base, and whether you can hold a line (schedule) or be on Reserve (on call.)

Relative Seniority

Your overall, “global” seniority in the Company allows you to “bid” for the positions mentioned above. Then, once you’ve been assigned to each (plane/seat/base), your “Relative Seniority” comes into play.

What’s your “seniority” compared to the other pilots in your exact plane, seat and base? This will dictate what kind of schedule you can work, where and when you fly, or whether you’re a Lineholder or on Reserve.

For me, when I first got assigned to 777/Captain/DFW, I was a line holder. I fully expected to stay a line holder from then on, as pilots retired above me.

Changing Bases
Frontier Airlines Bases

Then, a strange thing happened. I began moving backward in relative seniority, to the point where I was constantly getting a Reserve line, rather than a line holder schedule.

Pilots senior to me in the Company were moving in to DFW base, knocking me down!

Well, commuting on a Reserve schedule is a challenge. You never know when the phone’s gonna ring and they need you! I’d much rather have a line holder schedule so I could plan ahead.

Enter LAX base!

Changing Bases

I began researching other 777 bases. To my surprise, LAX—which had originally been “senior” for me—had now become more “junior,” relative to my position. Which meant that I could be a solid line holder there.

I immediately put in for a transfer. I was assigned to move in September, but to my delight, I will actually start being based in LAX in July.

Changing Bases
Coincidentally, my most recent trip was an LAX-LHR, tho I'm still based in DFW. I'm looking forward to more flying with my LAX-based FOs in the future!

Not only will I be able to hold a line there, I will also be flying to some different places as well. While we always fly to LHR (London) from all our bases, I’ll also be qualifying to fly to the “Far East,” such as Japan, China, and SYD (Sydney). In fact, next week I’ve been assigned for my Far East “Theatre Qualification” trip, wherein I’ll fly LAX-SYD-LAX.

Qantas A330, out of SYD.

I’m looking forward to the adventure—our LAX-SYD run is nearly as long a flight as our JFK-DEL (New York–Delhi) flights, which we highlighted in our “Passage to India” series.

Moreover, I’m excited to reconnect with our ol’ Blog Buddy, Qantas A380 Captain Richard de Crespigny (Ret.), of QF 32 fame. (If you haven’t watched out 3-part video interview w/Captain de Crespigny, “Black Swan Event,” it’s a must-see!)

Last but not least, per my wife’s orders, I’ll be stocking up on Tim Tams and Caramello Koalas!

I’ll be sure to take you along with me!

Changing Bases

Hemisphere Dancing Report

Hitched Down Under!

Speaking of SYD, Bunny and I attended a wedding “Down Under” last week. By coincidence, we first flew on the very same flight I will be flying as Captain next week, from LAX-SYD! We lucked out and were able to sit in Business class on the way over. Oh, what a difference that makes on such a long flight!

From there, we took Qantas over to MEL (Melbourne) for Bunny’s niece Carmela’s wedding, to her long time beau, Kurt.

A good time was had by all!

Changing Bases

Quora Question Quorner

Wherein I answer your Aviation questions!

Come over and join us at:


In the News

Note: A lot of speculation has been flying around in regards to the recent Cessna Citation overfly of the US Capitol. Preliminary reports suggest it may be a “Payne Stewart” type event, where pilot and passengers succumbed to oxygen starvation.

Link to news article:

Wannabe Pilots


Technonerd Quorner

A Pilot's Life for Me

Silly Question of the Week

Changing Bases

Till the next post,

This is Cap'n Aux

Changing Bases
Chillaxin' after our LHR flight. Time to hit the hotel!

Flying Off (To SYD!)

Cleared to Land

Touching Down Next

A Passage Down Under

Jumpseat Along with Cap'n Aux on his First LAX-SYD Flight!

Changing Bases

Cap'n Aux Social Media Links

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Changing Bases

Changing Bases