Jumpseating on the Breitling ‘Round the World DC-3 Part 2!
Jumpseating on the Breitling ‘Round the World DC-3 Part 2!
Ladies and Gentlemen, from the Flight Blog, this is Cap’n Aux speaking . . .

The gorgeous Breitling DC-3 graces Mt. Rainier with her presence!
By now you’ve heard me squawking loud and clear about my latest feature cover article in Airways Magazine, hitting bookstores, mailboxes and iPads as we speak!
This week, we’ll share more behind-the-scenes pics and vids, as well as an excerpt from the story itself.
As a grand finale, don’t miss the first of our Live Facebook broadcasts, inflight from the jumpseat!
Jumpseating on the Breitling ‘Round the World DC-3 Part 2!
Just cuz we love ya, here’s a free sneak peek at the article, now in your fav book store!
on a Piece of History
Hitching a Ride with the Crew of the Breitling DC-3 Around the World Tour
The magical world of aviation is rife with thrills—and history.
Sometimes, the stars align and those two combine. Does your heart race at the deep baritone thrum of a P-51 Mustang passing in low formation with a Supermarine Spitfire? The sights, sounds and adrenaline coursing through your veins can engrave that memory into the special “there I wuz” portion of your brain for the rest of your life.
Such was the special treat in which I was recently privileged to partake, when Breitling invited me aboard their fully-restored DC-3. And, not just any flight, but a leg of their Around the World Tour. And, not just any DC-3, but tail number HB-IRJ, a plane steeped in its own special history.
. . . Heart racing, I surveyed the corporate FBO ramp, loaded with everything from Hawkers to Challengers. Normally, I would gleefully ogle such diverse and fancy corporate metal, but today I was distracted by the anticipation of seeing something far more majestic. My eyes scanned the tarmac, eagerly searching for that historic gem amidst the gleaming modern alloy. . . .
And, there she was.
Despite the dull Seattle overcast, Miss Cleveland glistened. The only tailwheel plane on the ramp, her regal nose pointed skyward, as if eager to slip the surly bonds of chocks to dance the skies with laughter-silvered wings. Painted a spotless snow white, a royal blue band and gold pinstripes running fore to aft down her centerline, she looked like something out of an Indiana Jones movie. A stellar flying machine born smack in the middle of the Golden Era of Flight . . .
But Wait! There’s More!
Jumpseating on the Breitling ‘Round the World DC-3 Part 2!

On the Press junket over SEA!
No less than three sidebars will accompany the main article: The first, entitled, 80 YEARS ON: THE COLORFUL HISTORY OF THE DC-3 AND FLAGSHIP CLEVELAND, tells of not only her history, but the wild story of her becoming the only DC-3 in the world to ever be dispatched as . . . a bomber! Next, for you techie types, a list of facts and stats about the old gal, such as height, weight, fuel consumption and exact engine models. Sidebar 3, FLYING FLAGSHIP CLEVELAND AROUND THE WORLD: IN HER CAPTAINS’ WORDS , tells exactly that, including their harrowing 10-hour flight over the Pacific Ocean—in darkness, rain, fog, and a mere 1,500 feet above the water!
Oh, and by the way, there’s also a special little treat for all you Rush fans out there! 😉
I hope you join us on our historical jumpseat adventure, whether you’re an Airways subscriber, purchase the magazine at your local book store or online at airwaysmag.com/store, or download it via the Airways app.
But, whether you join us or not, on our literary adventures, for your voyeuristic pleasure, here’s . . .
More Pics!

Ready to slip the surly bonds of chocks and grace the sky with laughter-silvered wings!
Jumpseating on the Breitling ‘Round the World DC-3 Part 2!
Cap’n Raph has been taking amazing shots during his ’round the world jaunt. He has graciously agreed to share a few of the best with us, right here!
- Breitling DC-3 – Interior—photo courtesy Breitling
- Interior sans seats or bladders
- Fuel bladders for the marathon Pacific crossing
- Night flight over the Pacific
- Dawn finds the team in the middle of the ocean!
- Any land in sight?!
- Sailing off into the sunset
- Mt. Rainier & Mount St. Helens

Cap’n Raph sets up to cross PDX midfield.
For more great stuff, and to read his personal blog, chronicling his journey, check out his site:
Stories of a DC-3 Who Wants to See the World
Here’s some more of my favorite shots of Miss Cleveland . . .

Miss Cleveland makes it to #OHS17! Photo courtesy Lead Breitling DC-3 Pilot, Francisco Agullo.
For those lucky thousands of you out there visiting #OSH17, PLEASE share with us (via the comments in this blog FB/Twitter/Instagram/etc) your experiences, pics n vids as well—both of Miss Cleveland and the other spectacular sites!

Blog Buddy Christiaan Van D visited the Breitling gang at OSH. What a great time!
More Vids!
Jumpseating on the Breitling ‘Round the World DC-3 Part 2!
Finally, we leave you with the first of our LIVE inflight Facebook video broadcasts, shared on People of the Sky’s Facebook page (Facebook.com/flyinghumans). During all four broadcasts, nearly 10,000 viewers tuned in from around the world!
Episode 2: Cleared for Takeoff!
Direct Link: https://vimeo.com/capnaux/dc3jump
Next week, I’ll share a composite of the rest of our inflight Facebook videos, including a trip around Mt. St. Helen’s, and practice landings!
Till then,
This is Cap’n Aux . . .
Jumpin’ Off!
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Jumpseating on a Piece of History Part 3
Touch n Go’s!
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Our Periodic VIDEO Roundup of All Cool Things Aviation!
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Related Links
- Jumpseating on the Breitling ‘DC-3 Part 1 http://capnaux.com/jumpseating-breitling-dc-3-part-1/
- Airways Magazine Online (issue can be found here) http://airwaysmag.com/store
- Adventures of Cap’n Raph http://capnaux.com/adventures-capn-raph/
- The Making of a European Pilot http://capnaux.com/the-making-of-a-european-airline-pilot/
- Stories of a DC-3 Who Wants to See the World http://pilotingadc3acrossthesea.blogspot.ch
- People of the Sky Facebook Page Facebook.com/flyinghumans
- Breitling DC-3 Tour http://www.breitlingdc3.com
- Cap’n Aux Media
- Books amazon.com/author/ericauxier
- Videos https://vimeo.com/capnaux/
- Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CapnAux/
- Twitter https://twitter.com/capnaux
- Instagram https://www.instagram.com/capnaux/
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