Cap’n Aux FREE Mobile App!

A central clearing house for All things #AvGeek
#Aviation #Airline,  and #Adventure #travel!

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(Should work on computers, iPads and Androids)

On that site, there is 1.) a scan code, 2.) a link to click, or 3.) an option to send an email so you can download it later on your mobile!

iPhone users
(and those for whom the above link shows “incompatible OS”)
Click this link in your browser:

Now: click the arrow at the bottom of your screen, and select “Save to Home Screen.”
This will be a link that saves to your home screen and works like a real app.  Later, I will release an actual iPhone version. 😉

You can also use the direct link above as a webpage on your computer as well!

Live Feeds to: 
—Aviation blogs
       (Miss TWA, Flight to Success, Daddy Come Back, Ryan’s Travels & Photos.  Note: Each blog features several posts and are not listed chronologically; you may have to dig quite deep to get your fav’ feed!)
—Breaking Aviation News
—Awesome Aviation sites
       (Flightaware, Live ATC Live,, Thirty Thousand Feet, NOAA, etc.)
—Latest Cap’n Aux Vids, pics, books etc!

Consider this a “1.0 Beta version.”  (I designed this a little over a month ago, so it’s already a tad out dated, LOL!)  Please use it and tell me what you think…and SEND SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT!

This is a FREE version (which has occasional ads.)  But if y’all REALLY LIKE IT, I’ll spring for the Pro version, which will be a true stand-alone app (and STILL FREE to you!), with no ads, and all the links/content YOU want it to provide!*


*I’ll esp. be looking for cool sites not already included, so tell me your faves!

Posting Jan. 30 at 12:00 PHX:

The Top Cap’n Aux Posts of 2012!
A Recap of the most popular posts of 2012–voted on by your clicks!


Posting Feb 13:

A Special Valentine’s Vlog

A Love Story in (and of) the Sky!