Aviation Acronym Extravaganza Part 2!
Aviation Acronym Extravaganza Part 2!
Folks, last week we had fun exploring some Aviation Acronyms from the FAR/AIM as well as Boeing. But, the two combined probably wouldn’t equal the acronym-happy Airbus fleet!
So, this week, let’s do a little exploration of those crazy ship builders from Toulouse, France!
But first,
Congratulations to our Winner!
(Name withheld by request)
He was the FIRST to correctly answer our trivia question:
What’s the name of the character from The Last Bush Pilots who changed her name, and what did her initials stand for in aviation acronyms?
The answer:
Holly Shannon Innes, who’s initials stand for HSI—Horizontal Situation Indicator! Her former initials were VOR—VHF Omni Range!
(To keep from spoiling it, we won’t give you her original name, in case you haven’t read the book yet!)
Our winner receives a FREE autographed Hardcover collector’s edition of The Last Bush Pilots!
And, for those of you who haven’t read it yet, here’s a FREE sample!
Aviation Acronym Extravaganza Part 2!
The Airbus Side of Things
Some (again, a minuscule sample) of the biggies for the Airbus:
A/THR – Auto Thrust. The throttles on the Airbus. Levers are normally moved to detents, and left alone. AutoThrust can be turned off, and levers used conventionally. Boeing levers are throttles that move, even when selected on.
ACARS – ARINC Communications and Reporting System. “Texting” for pilots to/from Company and sometimes ATC.
ATSU – Bless you! (j/k). Air Traffic Service Unit. Similar to ACARS.
ACP – Audio Control Panel
AIDS – Aircraft Integrated Data System
BMC – Bleed Monitoring Computer. Monitors for leaks in the bleed system, which is used for starting engines, anti-ice, etc.
BSCU – Brake Steering Control Unit. Computer that controls brake and steering. 1 computer with 2 channels.
BTC – Bus Tie Contactor. Used to isolate an electrical fault, to restore partial power to unaffected side.
CFDS – Centralized Fault Display System. Similar to the Boeing’s EICAS, the system that monitors and alerts pilots to various malfunctions.
ECAM – Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring. System that monitors and alerts crew to failures, pulls up checklists, etc. Also used to refer to the video screens that display the various systems, such as electrical, hydraulic, engines, etc. in real time. Similar to the Boing EICAS system.
ECP – ECAM Control Panel. Can be used to switch power sources in case of a failure, to restore a failed ECAM.
Basic Airbus Flight Computers
ELAC – Elevator Aileron Computer
FAC – Flight Augmentation Computer.
SEC – Spoiler Elevator Computer
SFCC – Slat Flap Control Computer
FPA – Flight Path Angle
FPD – Flight Path Director
FPV – Flight Path Vector
Note: the 3 above display track and flight path angle, as opposed to the standard heading and vertical speed.
Above Left: Standard Flight Director, guiding pilot by heading and vertical speed. Right: FPD guiding pilot by track and Flight Path Angle. (Shown is Boeing FPV; couldn’t find an Airbus Bird and Mustache!)
The Airbus FPD and FPV are often referred to as “the bird and mustache.”
FLX/MCT – Flex/Maximum Continuous Thrust. Power settings for takeoff. Flex is a reduced setting that helps extend engine life.
FMGC – Flight Management Guidance Envelope Computer. Computes flight envelope (what’s safe, such as not to slow/fast/too many g’s, etc.), and keeps plane within envelope.
FWC – Flight Warning Computer
FWS – Flight Warning System
GCU – Generator Control Unit
GLC – Generator Line Contactor
IDG – Integrated Drive Generator. Drives and controls the engine-driven generator.
ISIS – Integrated Standby Instrument System
LGCIU – Landing Gear Control Interface Unit. Sensing system that helps the plane figure out whether it’s on the ground, or in the sky. A lot of other systems are dependent on this as well.
MCDU—Multipurpose Control and Display Unit. The computer box used to interact with the plane. Similar to the Boeing’s CDU.
ND—Nav Display
PFD – Primary Flight Display
PHC – Probe Heat Computer
PPOS – Present Position
PTU—Power Transfer Unit. A backup hydraulic pump that automatically functions if one of two hydraulic systems (Green or Yellow) fail. Uses pressure from one system to power the other. (A 3rd system, Blue, is not incorporated with the PTU.)
QRH – Quick Reference Handbook. Quick emergency checklists, follow-ups to normal and non-normal checklists, calculation tables, etc.
RAT – Ram Air Turbine. Emergency backup power unit. Drops into jet stream when power is lost. Fan blades turn to create power. Will provide both emergency power and hydraulic pressure.
RMP – Radio Management Panel
RNP – Required Navigational Performance. For GPS and RNAV (satellite) approaches.
STAT INV – Static Inverter
SDCU – Smoke Detection Control
SPLR – Spoiler
THS – Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer
TLA – Thrust Lever Angle
WAI – Wing Anti-Ice
WBC – Weight and Balance Computer
WHC – Window Heat Computer
WTB – Wing Tip Brake. Freezes flaps at current setting when it detects an imbalance between left and right.
ZC – Zone Controller. Controls temperature in 3 zones: Flight deck, Cabin forward and Cabin aft.
ZFCG – Zero Fuel Center of Gravity. CG of plane before fuel is added.
Aviation Acronym Extravaganza Part 2!
My FAA (Favorite Airbus Acronym!)
And, finally, my personal favorite acronym:
the SDAC.
What does it stand for?
Note: Be sure to say this in a Marvin the Martian voice!
Aviation Acronym Extravaganza Part 2!
Punk'd Airbus Style!
Hey, Bus drivers! Want to initiate a newbie (and hopefully gullible) Flight Attendant the proper Airbus way?
Type this into your MCDU (Multipurpose Control and Display Unit):
Call him/her up to the cockpit and say, “Hey, we’ve detected a varmint we gotta catch.”
Point to your dastardly note!
Then, pull up the ECAM (Electronic Control and Monitoring) HYD (Hydraulic) page…
Point to the RAT (Ram Air Turbine) and say, “Yep, there’s that sucker! You’ll need to take this trash bag in back and grab it!”
Eh…I’ve never done this, but I heard of some pilots doing it!
No, really!
OK, OK, maybe I have. But, only two or three times…!
Hemisphere Dancing Report
No Soup For You!
One of the most beloved Seinfeld TV episodes entails “The Soup Nazi.” His dreaded, famous line, “No soup for you!” terrorized the Seinfeld cast, who just wanted a taste of his fantastic soups!
Well, did you know, that episode was inspired by a REAL person and place?
Yes! “The Soup Kitchen,” just off Manhattan’s 55th and 8th, still exists!
While Al Yaganeh, the original owner that inspired the character, has retired, the place still thrives—and has incredible soup!
Years ago, I did get to order soup straight from Yagenah himself—and, boy, was he intimidating, just like the Seinfeld character!
Well, now that I’m on the 777, I’ve been staying in JFK often, while flying a trip to England or Europe. And, we stay just around the corner from the Soup Kitchen!
This week, I had Clam Chowder, and also Jambalaya.
But, it doesn’t matter what you get. Everything you eat here is phenom—and, you don’t even have to worry now about being ostracized with the dreaded words, “No soup for you!”
Bonus Trivia Question!
(No Prize, Just Your Pride!)
Why did Marvin the Martian want to destroy Earth?
*(Answer below the “Related Links!”)
Until the next post…
This is C.A...
Cleared to Land
Touching Down Next
Life as a Reserve Pilot
Waiting for that Phone to Ring...
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Related Links
- Aviation Acronym Extravaganza Part 1
- Glenn L. Martin Aviation Museum—Wow! https://capnaux.com/glenn-l-martin-aviation-museum-wow/
- FAR/AIM on “MyPilotStore.com”: https://www.mypilotstore.com/MyPilotStore/secp/99?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=4-3&keyword=far%20aim&msclkid=71deced5db651ed5c477acf37a62cb5d
- Comprehensive list of Boeing Acronyms https://www.allacronyms.com/boeing/abbreviations
- List of Airbus Acronyms (at our Go-to Airbus website!) http://www.airbusdriver.net/airbus_acronyms.htm
- Cap’n Aux Books https://www.amazon.com/Eric-Auxier/e/B00971H8VW
- World’s First Commercial Flight https://www.space.com/16657-worlds-first-commercial-airline-the-greatest-moments-in-flight.html
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*Trivia Answer!
Because it was obstructing his view of Venus!
Eh-be-di Eh-be-di…