My Quorum Q&A Favs!

My Quorum Q&A Favs!

My Quorum Q@A Favs!​

Ladies and Gents, from the Flight Blog, this is Cap’n Aux speaking.

I trust everyone enjoyed their 3-day Memorial Day weekend, full of friends, family, food and beverages, and some good ol’ recreational downtime.

And, I trust, we all took a few moments to properly reflect on the meaning of Memorial Day, and those that sacrificed all for our freedoms. To all the Gold Star families out there: THANK YOU to your heroes who gave all, and may you and your loved ones be comforted.

Well, we had such a huge response from our Quorum post, I thought I’d follow up with a “Best of” answers!

So, be sure to head on over and click Follow on my 

Cap’n Aux’s Space!

Direct Link:

Your Quorum questions are still flooding in (at the moment I have nearly 50 requests!), but of the one’s I’ve answered, there’s been several that have stood out.

Why? Well, my criteria for these “best of” answers have been:

  1. You’ll love it here on the blog;
  2. I was quite satisfied with my answer;
  3. It hits a profound point from which we can all benefit.

So, without further ado…

My Quorum Q@A Favs!

You Got What it Takes, Punk?

My Quorum Q&A Favs!
My Quorum Q&A Favs!
My Quorum Q&A Favs!
My Quorum Q&A Favs!

My Quorum Q@A Favs!

Q's for Techie Avgeeks!

My Quorum Q&A Favs!
My Quorum Q&A Favs!
My Quorum Q&A Favs!
My Quorum Q&A Favs!

Above photo courtesy of our good Blog Buddy Mark L!

My Quorum Q&A Favs!

Hemisphere Dancing Report

Following our traffic Westbound on the Nat C track (over the North Atlantic). We SLOPped 2 miles to the right (Strategic Lateral Offset Procedure), so when we passed him, we wouldn’t knock him around with our 777 Heavy wake!

Can you tell what type plane it is?

And Last but not Least…

My Quorum Q@A Favs!

My Most Memorable Flight!

Long time readers of Cap’n Aux blog will remember this story well. It’s been our traditional Memorial Day post, to honor those that have given their lives for our freedom. How apropos that this would pop up for the week of Memorial Day!

This story still seems to resonate with readers. Check out the numbers on it, in less than a week!

As many times as I’ve written and read this, it still brings tears to my eyes!

I hope you enjoy…

My Quorum Q&A Favs!

So, I say again, come on over and join us at and Follow me at: 

Cap’n Aux’s Space

Direct Link:

Till the Next Post,

This is Cap'n Aux

Answering Off!

Cleared to Land

Touching Down Next

A Passage to India Part 1

A Passage to India—Part 1

Join Cap'n Aux on His JFK-Deli Flight!

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