Word on the Ramp: Lighting & Fire & Bombs, Oh My!
Folks, it’s time for another edition of . . .
Our Periodic Video Roundup of All Cool Things Aviation!
IN THIS ISSUE: The Looming Pilot Shortage—it’s Here! Uh, right? British Airways B777 catches FIRE on takeoff. Iron Maiden’s “Ed Force One;” the Last USAirways flight; airplane LIGHTNING STRIKE caught on camera; pilot’s eye view of a strike fighter squadron dogfight and BOMB RUN, and MORE!
But First . . .
Last Friday was 9/11.
As I often do, I made a point of flying that day—it’s my statement to the lowlife vermin known as terrorists that they have LOST!
During my workday, one flight was a deadhead—that is, I rode in the back as a passenger.
While sitting in Coach, I witnessed a beautiful gesture: A father and son in First Class gave their seats to two Army servicemen in Coach!
9/11 is a symbol of humanity at its worst . . . and humans at their best, as well. It has become a day for Doing One Good Deed, and this was a wonderful thing to witness. In gratitude, I gave our hero’s son a signed copy of one of my books!

And, of course, the true Heroes of our flight: our gallant Army men, enjoying their yummy ice cream at the end of their First Class Meal, compliments of Corey and Caden!
I hope you, too, had the opportunity to perform a good deed, and witnessed others as well.
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After the video, I would like to share one more very touching story which gives me hope for our future. But, I’ve held you from your video long enough.
Ladies and Gents, I give you . . .
Episode 15-8: Lighting, Fire & Bombs, Oh My!
Direct Link: https://vimeo.com/capnaux/wotr12
Below are links to the stories from this Word on the Ramp issue,
but before we get to that, here’s another amazing story from this year’s 9/11. Actually, it’s a text conversation I had online with a Facebook acquaintance, a Muslim from the Middle East. He gave me permission to post this here but requested anonymity, so we’ll call him “M.”
M: I just wanted to share my thoughts privately with you on 9/11. I’ll never forget that day or how much I cried. I’ll never forget waking up and washing my face enough times to confirm I wasn’t dreaming. I’ll never forget it, the aircraft smashing into those towers. I immediately thought of a B767 pilot named “Woody” whose autograph I asked for a few years before as a wide-eyed student pilot with aspirations to become an airline pilot.
I’ll never forget my heart sinking hoping that he wasn’t the pilot on that plane. I’ll never forget the days after, the death threats I received, this Arab Muslim Pilot who people saw for his heritage and religion and not as an American. I’ll never forget the two wars that were started, the millions who died, the millions more displaced, the instability, the terrorism after, the failed foreign policy, and the blame that Muslims faced because of the acts of 11 Saudi and Egyptian men who hijacked four aircraft, an entire religion, and crashed into two buildings changing the world forever. I’ll never forget it.
I’ll never forget my dad telling I could never be a pilot due to the threats I got, the fears that this country couldn’t tell the difference between a terrorist and a Muslim. I’ll never forget it.
To me, 9/11 isn’t a holiday. It isn’t about hash-tags, nor is it about waving flags and touting political parties that care nothing about people. To me, 9/11 is a day where I sit quietly and remember that on that day, and the days after, I saw the worst of America, but also the best. I’ll never forget.
My Reply:
First and foremost, THANK YOU for the honor of entrusting me with such candid, heartfelt, anguishing and profound thoughts. You continue to help deepen my understanding of the Muslim heart, and certainly to learn that we are not all that “different,” regardless of the superficial barriers that divide us. Today should be a day of reflection, such as you have shared, for all of us. While I was busy working today, flying the very iron that had become weapons 14 years ago, I was, and always am on this day, acutely aware of the issues the day brings up…
You stated you saw the worst in America, and the best. I remember seeing it in the ignorant fool who shot and killed a Sikh store clerk days after 9/11, for the “crime” of wearing a turban. But I also saw the best, in gestures too numerous to mention. Today, there is a movement to make 9/11 a day to do “one good deed.” A subtle protest–and a defiant gesture–to those that would force their ways by violence and terror. A way to quietly state, “Love conquers all.” Today, when deadheading in the back of my airplane, a man and his son in First Class traded their seats for two servicemen in uniform sitting in Coach. This happens occasionally, but for it to take place on 9/11 was particularly poignant. My “good deed” was to give the son a signed copy of one of my books.
Everywhere, every day, every minute, people around the world are doing GOOD DEEDS, big and small, with absolutely no thought of recognition or return. These are the heroes, big and small. These are the saviors of the world, one gesture at a time. These people are US, and they give hope to us as well, in quietly stating, whispering louder than the noise of the tragic, ugly, violent headlines… LOVE CONQUERS ALL
Thank you, my friend, for your share. I hope my words have blessed you as yours have mine today.
I would like to ask if I could share our conversation here to the world…I can do it anonymously, if you wish.
M: Amen, Captain, amen.
Good deeds and open hearts lead to open minds and change. There’s so much evil in this world. Millions have suffered because of one day; one day that changed the world. I wish I could do more for the world. I really do. People like you give me hope. Sometimes I wonder if there’s any good left in the world after seeing the things that happen.
But I’m glad you reminded me that even the slightest good deed can change the world.
…This is Cap’n Aux, signing off.
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LINKS From This Broadcast
- Airways Magazine 2016 Cruise to Maho Beach https://www.facebook.com/events/560135380792512/
- Top Story: Pilot shortage http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2015/08/27/pilot-shortage-faa-1500-hours-required-colgan-crash-alpa/32008451/
- Pilot Shortage Remedy? http://aviationweek.com/commercial-aviation/opinion-here-three-pronged-approach-pilot-shortage?NL=AW-05&Issue=AW-05_20150511_AW-05_476&sfvc4enews=42&cl=article_3_b&utm_rid=CPEN1000000913171&utm_campaign=2487&utm_medium=email
- 1500 Hour Rule Fails to Address Safety http://americanactionforum.org/research/flight-hours-rule-fails-to-address-safety
- BA 777 Aborts Takeoff and Evacuates after Engine Fire on Takeoff http://www.wsj.com/articles/british-airways-777-catches-fire-in-las-vegas-after-engine-failure-1441762369
- Pilots Condemn Bag-toting Evacuees http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/ba-plane-fire-pilots-condemn-passengers-who-carried-baggage-from-burning-aircraft-10493667.html
- Mayday Audio http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2015/sep/09/british-airways-fire-mayday-mayday-were-evacuating-audio
- Captain Set to Retire the Next Week http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/09/british-airways-plane-fire-captain-helped-avert-disaster-42-years-flying-experience
- Iron Maiden’s Ed Force One http://ultimateclassicrock.com/iron-maiden-ed-force-one-2016-world-tour/
- Last USAirways Flight http://airwaysnews.com/blog/2015/08/26/last-us-airways-flight-will-end-in-philadelphia/
- Auxier Elementary School http://www.mychandlerschools.org/auxierelementary
- Delaware’s first African-American JROTC student to earn pilot license http://www.maxwell.af.mil/news/story.asp?storyID=123450456
- “Shoot ‘em if you got ‘em” via Boldmethod http://www.boldmethod.com/blog/video/2015/09/f-18-carrier-video/
- Direct YT link https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=303&v=JnsxWrPUHN8
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