COUNTDOWN . . . to Zero Separation!

LET THE COUNTDOWN(S) BEGIN!! Gang, LOTS of exciting stuff coming up! The much-awaited print release of my new book, THERE I WUZ! Adventures From 3 Decades in the Sky, NOW available at: Also on 7/18, don’t miss Disney’s awesome new animated film, “Planes: Fire & Rescue.” As you’ll recall, Disney invited me to a private screening last […]

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The Airline Cockpit in 7 “Simple” Steps

Ladies and gentlemen, from the flight blog, this is your Cap’n speaking. I have turned on the “Looming Pilot Shortage” sign (which has been off for 30 years now), and you are free to pursue your aviation dream! Honestly, for you up-n-comers, not since the Golden Age of Air Travel (circa 1950’s) has there been […]

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Dealing with Passengers (Part III)

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Blogging in Formation: Solo!

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WELCOME ABOARD! Passengers, Part II: Medical Emergency!

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