Interlude: Happy Int’l Civil Aviation Day!

In 1944, the United Nations decreed that December 7 would be known as, International Civil Aviation Day. Visit for more info! Coincidentally, today is also “Pearl Harbor Day,” that Date which will live in infamy. Let us remember the fallen on that day that changed the world. Here are a few links for you: […]

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NYCA: Giving Thanks to Aviation

Direct Link: Your Head’s in the Clouds. Where’s Your Heart? An Exclusive Article Direct link to this NYCA article: Giving Thanks to the Aviation Community “Every single one of you has a fascinating story to tell.”   The kevlar flight deck door shuts our world off from yours. In our “sterile cockpit,” we push buttons and […]

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Sunset FD

World’s Best Office View—Part 2!

One of the great joys of my blog is sharing my daily cockpit adventures with you. I love to regale you with tales of the adventure—nonfictional or otherwise—but sometimes a photo is worth a thousand blogs. So, without further adieu, Part 2 of our “Best Office View,” featuring some reader-submitted photos as well! Requisite disclaimers: ALL MEDIA […]

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Best Office View in the World! Pt. 1

Folks, we are wayyyyy overdue for a Best Of Photos post! So, without further adieu, join me in the cockpit for the World’s Greatest Office View Of course, we must begin with the requisite disclaimers: ALL MEDIA RECORDED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH FAR’S. POST-FAR  121.306, ALL media has been recorded by entities OTHER than on-duty flight crew—i.e., […]

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2014: An Oshkosh Odyssey!

GONNA BE THERE? This Saturday, July 26, I will be hosting a   BOOK LAUNCH PARTY and SIGNING for   “There I Wuz! Adventures From 3 Decades in the Sky” ( at ORD (Chicago O’Hare)’s TOTES AWESOME Aviation store, AVIATION UNIVERSE! Join me, along with owners Lora, Richard, and their faithful labs Wilbur and Orville! I’ll be […]

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