Chasing the Dream: How to Fly on the Cheap!
Chasing the Dream: How to Fly on the Cheap! Video—How do you get a pilot’s license if it’s not available in your country? Cap’n Aux explains!
Chasing the Dream: How to Fly on the Cheap! Video—How do you get a pilot’s license if it’s not available in your country? Cap’n Aux explains!
Pilots often live and work in different cities, states or even countries. They can also move their work “base” as well. Cap’n Aux explains!
Nose Gear Collapse! And other Crazy Stuff—What to do when your nose gear falls off inflight? Cap’n Aux presents a real life scenario, along with some other crazy stuff!
Sitting the dream! Sitting the Dream! The Real Life of an Airline Pilot Sitting around my DFW crash pad this week while on Reserve, waiting for that call to fly to some exotic port unknown, I got to thinking: The life of an airline pilot involves a LOT of… Sitting. In this post, we’ll briefly […]
Flight Times International Version! When Cap’n Aux swapped from Domestic to International, so did his “Flight Times” doodle pad. Check it out!
aNATomy of a Stall. When a car stalls, no biggie. When a plane stalls—hoo, boy! It stops flying! Cap’n Aux explains!