Recent Tragedies in US Airspace
Recent Tragedies in US Airspace. Cap’n Aux explores factors which may have led to the recent midair collision and Learjet crash.
Recent Tragedies in US Airspace. Cap’n Aux explores factors which may have led to the recent midair collision and Learjet crash.
More lessons for pilots from the famous “Miracle on the Hudson” accident. What can aviators do to prepare for the worst? Cap’n Aux explores tips and tricks.
We review the famous “Miracle on the Hudson” landing to see what pilots, crew and passengers can learn from the momentous event.
Boeing #737Max Update—& Fun Stuff with Cap’n Dillon! Folks, it’s been a tough season for the international airline industry. After a blessing of several years of relatively benign issues and impressive safety records, we’ve had a string of harrowing fatal accidents, from the Atlas 767 in IAH (#5Y391) to the Lion Air (#JT610) and Ethiopian […]
A380 Adventures Down Under! G’day, Mates! Folks, from the Flight Blog, this is Cap’n Aux speaking. As you know, I rarely post these days, so when I do, you know it’ll be something fun! Last week, Bunny and I flew “Down Under” to Melbourne, Australia—you know, the land of “Crocodile Dundee,” of koalas and ‘roos […]
Airline Recurrent Training Folks, I just spent the last weekend in what we call Recurrent Training. What’s that, you ask? Well, it’s kind of like a regular checkup at your doctor, but one that checks knowledge and skills. It’s a short refresher course for pilots and flight attendants on operations, systems and procedures, as well […]