Flying in the Age Of Covid
Pilot Tips to Flying During / Post Covid
Ladies and Gents, from the Flight Blog, this is Cap’n Aux speaking…
Welcome aboard! I hope y’all are slowly emerging from your cocoons from this past year’s lockdown! Time to stretch and yawn, spread your wings, and…FLY!!!

Challenges Of Flying During a Pandemic
This past year has been an incredible challenge, both on the ground and in the air. Jones’ing to get back up in the sky? Well, you can (for the most part), but we are still very Covid conscious.
As of this day, ALL US airlines require—as Federally mandated—masks be worn for the entire flight, from Gate to Gate!
This makes for a bit of a challenge, but I’m sure that you, like me, are somewhat resigned and used to that “cloth diaper” by now, so it is perhaps a “small” price to pay for the amazing liberty of flying through the sky!
Covid Honeymoon! When Travel Plans Change.
As you know, Bunny and I got hitched last year!
We lucked out—our wedding was only two weeks before the worldwide lockdown! Just enough time for friends and family to jet in, party down, and jet out to their respective countries!
Friends, family, and even some rockstar pilot-writers were able to join in the nuptial festival!
Rescheduling Your Honeymoon Due to Covid
However, originally planning a late summer Euro river cruise (after Bunny’s 2nd National Bodybuilding Competition), our honeymoon got stymied by the lockdown!
Finally, after a year’s delay, we finally decided to “divert to our alternate,” and fly to Maui for a much-needed and much-delayed honeymoon!
While our home state of AZ is fairly open, the Hawaii Islands are still pretty locked down. We had to get a Covid test within 72 hours of our flight and upload this to the HI gov’t website. Lots of hoops to jump through. Be sure you read your airline’s and destination’s travel restrictions and requirements, or you may be deplaned, or upon arrival, forced into involuntary quarantine!

Covid Mask Rules Also Apply to Pilots!
Up front in the cockpit, things are not too different. While the rules are always subject to modification, in general, we wear our masks till we strap in. Then, due to the critical nature of communications, we’re allowed to remove our masks when actually flying. If we have to deadhead in the back, yep, we wear masks, just like you and the flight attendants do!
Oh, by the way, you’d better load up on snacks and nonalcoholic drinks for your flight. Service is pretty bare-bones these days! Now… Mask Up and Go Fly!
I’m so glad to hear from y’all, that you’re not letting a lil thing like a plague keep you (too) grounded! While we of course must take precautions, life’s short, and there are so many adventures out there to be had! To wit, some fun pics from YOU, our Blog Buddies!

Thank you to my jumpseaters for all the wonderful inflight photos!
Blog Buddies' Adventures!
Cap'n Dillon Still Flyin' High

Everyone’s favorite Captain, Cap’n Dillon, and I haven’t sat still for long, getting together to hang out, and also occasionally fly with Cap’n Tony and his “Grounded No More” flying fellowship. With his charity, Cap’n Tony—now retired—voluntarily flies veterans in Amazing Grace, his WWII Fairchild trainer.
To learn more about this wonderful charity, check out their Facebook Group!
Blog Buddy Shout-Out!
A special Cap’n Aux Shoutout to my good ol’ Blog Buddy Craig J!
One Christmas a few years ago, Craig gave his nephews all Cap’n Aux books as stocking stuffers. Apparently, the flying bug took for little Elliott, who has now started flying lessons!
Congratulations, Elliott! And, never forget the most important advice I’ve ever given anyone regarding flying: From the moment you set foot in that beat-up old trainer cockpit, you ALREADY ARE LIVING THE DREAM!!!
And Finally… Folks, I’ve had quite a bit of a “hiatus” from the Blog.
I’m happy to say that, I’m refreshed, rested, and… I’M BAAAACK!!!
In the coming months, expect more Cap’n Aux blog posts! And, don’t forget that you can always contact me at:
Until the next blog post, THIS IS CAP’N AUX!

In Memory Of Astronaut Michael Collins
This blog post is dedicated to the memory of Astronaut Michael Collins. God speed, Michael. You’ve been an inspiration to us all!

Related Cap’n Aux Links
- Coronavirus Grounding!
- A380 Adventures Down Under!
- Black Swan Event: The Captain de Crespigny Story
- Video Interview Part 2
- Video Interview Part 3
- Flying Blog Buddies!
- All Cap’n Aux Books
- All Cap’n Aux Audible Books
- Cap’n Aux Blog: Coronavirus Grounding!
- Airways Magazine Current Issue
- Airways 25th Edition (including Cap’n Aux’s article, “A 25-Year Romance in the Sky”)
- Airways Magazine Cap’n Aux Online Articles
- Blog Post: Dance, Smile, Live, Fly!
- Blog Post: Aviating, Navigating, Communicating!
- Blog Post: 9/11 We Remember
- All Cap’n Aux Videos on Vimeo
- Blog Post: All-Time Best of Cap’n Aux Blog Posts
Tips for Flying in the Age of Covid
- Ask the Pilot—Life During Covid
- Bloomberg: How Safe is Flying in Age of Covid?
- Mayo Clinic: Covid Travel
- CDC Latest Covid:
- Alaska Airlines Covid Flying Tips
- American Airlines Covid Flying Tips
- Delta Airlines Covid Flying Tips
- Frontier Airlines Covid Flying Tips
- Southwest Airlines Covid Flying Tips
- United Airlines Covid Flying Tips