Flyin’ Blog Buddies!
Flyin’ Blog Buddies!

Like a father gushing over the achievements of his children, I’m SO PROUD of our Next Generation of upcoming pilots. Kids that began reading this blog as teenagers are now becoming our nation’s airline pilots! A father always likes to see his brood surpass him. And this Next Gen already is!
One of our first and closest Blog Buddies is Mr. Swayne Martin.

Since he first contacted me as a starry-eyed teen over 5 years ago, he’s graduated college and become a regional airline pilot!
But what’s really amazing is that he’s also become a YouTube internet star, with over 100,000 subscribers!
If you haven’t seen his page, you gotta!
In a minute, I want to feature his latest video—and one of his wildest—covering his flight with none other than the Air Force Thunderbird team!
Flyin’ Blog Buddies!

As long time readers know, my dear fiancèe Bunny is a cancer survivor. Two years ago, while training for her second national bodybuilding competition, she was diagnosed with stage 3A lung cancer (never having smoked a day in her life!)
All training stopped. After suffering an operation, chemotherapy and radiation, thank the Lord, she is currently diagnosed as being in remission. What’s more, like Rocky Balboa, she has made an astounding comeback, training for the past year to once again take the bodybuilding stage.
Even the idea of her stepping out on stage and competing would be considered a WIN in anyone’s book. But, not satisfied with merely showing up, our resident champion . . .
Yes, not only did she kick cancer’s arse, she kicked it onstage as well!

Fist Place, Bikini Master’s 45, 2nd place overall! Special thanks to Bunny’s training coach, Arwen! “4 more to go, Mom! 4 more!!” It was a tough competition, as always!
Having bagged yet another First Place win, she’s on to the National’s once again!
And Now . . .
Flyin’ Blog Buddies!
Video: How You Can Become an Air Force Pilot—by Swayne Martin!
Direct Link:
And, be sure to subscribe to his page—it’s truly amazing!

And Finally . . .
Flyin’ Blog Buddies!
More Blog Buddies Flyin’ High!
Here’s a few of my recent special passengers…could they, too, be part of our special Next Gen of airline pilots? Time will tell!
That’s a winning FO smile! My good buddy Dylan! Ayyy!!! Ten Hut! Cap’n on the Bridge!! MA with our good Blog Buddy and Ramper, David T! Two darling sisters visit us up front!
(And, getting a Mom-approved hug…Priceless!)

No post about Flyin’ Blog Buddies would be complete without a few pics of everyone’s favorite Cap’n, Cap’n Dillon, having some fun air time!
Cap’n D, about to take off with Cap’n Tony in his WWII Warbird trainer, “Amazing Grace!” Cap’n Dillon and family, with Cap’n Mike D (center) and yours truly! Formation flight—luckeeee!!!
I think it’s fair to say, Cap’n Dillon has probably flown more cool birds than me! Jealoussss!!!!
And, finally, one last special pic that I was lucky enough to catch last week . . .

Which leads me to say, THANK YOU to one of my Son-in-Laws-to-Be, Specialist Matt L. of the U.S. Army!

Until we meet again, this is Cap’n Aux . . .

Signing Off!