Best Office View in the World! Pt. 1

Folks, we are wayyyyy overdue for a Best Of Photos post! So, without further adieu, join me in the cockpit for the World’s Greatest Office View Of course, we must begin with the requisite disclaimers: ALL MEDIA RECORDED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH FAR’S. POST-FAR  121.306, ALL media has been recorded by entities OTHER than on-duty flight crew—i.e., […]

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911 In Memorium

By coincidence, I had a Manhattan overnight on 9/10/14. In honor of our fallen heroes, I made a pilgrimage to Memorial Park. Ladder Company 10. Orthopedic Physical Care Among some of cialis online sales the basic causes that result in such a condition are enlisted below: Muscoloskeletal Problems Ordeals of leg and lower leg Foot distortion […]

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VLOG: Janet, the Amazing Fairey Gannet!

As an enthusiastic avgeek, in the back of my mind has always loomed the desire to make the ultimate pilgrimage to aviation’s Mecca, that aeronautical Disneyland called the EAA Airventure, better known to the aviation community simply as, “Oshkosh.” Well, I am proud to say that, this year, I made it. For eight fabulous, fun-filled […]

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BIF: You’ve Lost Your Medical—Now What?

It’s Blogging in Formation Week! But first . . . GOT #CHEMTRAILS? Folks, if you’re a regular in our community on Facebook  and Twitter, you know of the recent—um, heated discussions we’ve had with those zany conspiracy theorists who believe that Contrails are actually “Chemtrails.“ What are “Chemtrails,” you ask? Wikipedia says, “The term chemtrail is a portmanteau of the words “chemical” and […]

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Confessions of a Regional Pilot—Part 2

NOTE: Last week, we met Jonny McB, a young pilot just starting out in his flying career. You can say that “he’s made it”—he’s achieved his dream of flying for a living! But what are his goals and expectations for his future, and what advice does he have for those of you dreaming of following […]

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