BIF: Your Head’s in the Clouds . . . Where’s Your Heart?

A Blogging in Formation Special Post   NOTAM NOTICES TO AIRMEN IT’S OUT!!! CARTEL KIDNAPPING My new Spy/FLY Thriller! In Print or eBook, exclusively on Amazon! (Computers & eReaders of ALL types, including iPads, can download it via the Kindle app!) Print: Kindle: All Books: If you haven’t seen it yet, check out […]

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Happy Halloween! & What REALLY Matters

Ladies & Gents, From the FRIGHT Deck . . . Folks, we gotta lotta material to cover. We’re so busy this week, I’m going to have to simply direct you to last year’s Aviation Darwin Awards post for some good, if morbid, Halloween guffaws: DIRECT LINK: Here’s hoping you all have a fun, safe, and wickedly awesome Happy […]

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Sunset FD

World’s Best Office View—Part 2!

One of the great joys of my blog is sharing my daily cockpit adventures with you. I love to regale you with tales of the adventure—nonfictional or otherwise—but sometimes a photo is worth a thousand blogs. So, without further adieu, Part 2 of our “Best Office View,” featuring some reader-submitted photos as well! Requisite disclaimers: ALL MEDIA […]

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A New Runway Evolves

  By Mark Lawrence Producer of Sitting on the south side of Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport use to be a small General Aviation runway.  Just over 5,000’ long and only 100’ wide, it would handle the plethora of small aircraft and biz jets that would frequent the airport, but it could not handle the […]

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BIF — & the Best Writer I’ve Ever Read!

Folks, it’s the First of the month, and that can only mean one thing. It’s time for Blogging in Formation! This month’s Topic: AVIATION IN THE MEDIA—HOW CAN THEY GET IT SO WRONG? “There are strong political/economic forces afoot in the media’s coverage of aviation-related topics, which has resulted in a lot of so-called “experts” […]

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