NYCA: Giving Thanks to Aviation

Direct Link: Your Head’s in the Clouds. Where’s Your Heart? An Exclusive Article Direct link to this NYCA article: Giving Thanks to the Aviation Community “Every single one of you has a fascinating story to tell.”   The kevlar flight deck door shuts our world off from yours. In our “sterile cockpit,” we push buttons and […]

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Word on the Ramp – Episode 2!

Ladies and gentlemen, from the flight blog, this Cap’n Aux speaking. Welcome to another edition of Word on the Ramp! Our periodic video roundup of all cool things aviation, submitted by and featuring You!  Two minutes of Avgeek Awesome! Direct Link to Video: For those of you that missed it, here’s Word on the Ramp, Episode […]

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Alaska Bush Pilot—Part 2!

I knew if I was going to make the cut, something had to change.Cameron Livingstone, Alaska Bush Pilot Last week, we met Cameron Livinstone, a real-life DC, living out his dream of flying the Alaska bush to jumpstart his aviation career. This week, we wrap it up by exploring Cameron’s successes, hopes, dreams . . […]

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Interview with an Alaska Bush Pilot

In many ways, I am the same pilot, but my aeronautical decision making and stick and rudder skills have increased exponentially.Cameron Livingstone, Alaska Bush Pilot Folks, I’m excited to bring you a special interview, with a young man I met this Spring when he was about to set out on an adventure of a lifetime! I couldn’t help […]

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Word on the Ramp – Our Premier Episode!

Ladies and gentlemen, from the flight blog, this Cap’n Aux speaking. Welcome to our first edition of Word on the Ramp! Our periodic video roundup of all cool things aviation, submitted by and featuring You!   Direct Link to Video: Communicating about intimacy leads to feeling connected cheap viagra with a partner and does not have […]

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