Oshkosh, Quick ‘n Dirty!

    Folks, no time for finesse! Here’s some quick highlights of the Oshkosh ’15 adventure so far. As you know, it’s like going to Disneyland every day for a week—tons of fun, but overwhelming and exhausting! PART 1—THE PEOPLE   Planes are nothing but pretty hunks of metal sitting dead on the tarmac until the heart […]

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Who’s the Cap’n of YOUR Flight?

NOW IN PRINT! There I Wuz! Adventures From 3 Decades in the Sky—Volume 2! To Order Now off the Amazon U.S. site: https://www.createspace.com/5485610 Click Here for the kindle ebook version! JOIN US! For our There I Wuz! Volume 2 Book Release Party and Pre-Oshkosh Bash! at Aviation Universe Sunday, July 19th at 11am I’ll be there to chat with […]

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AirwaysNews Special: Life in the Sky—It Ain’t What it Used to Be. Or is it?

IT’S OUT!! Finally in Print: There I Wuz! Adventures From 3 Decades in the Sky—Volume 2!  .. To Order Now: https://www.createspace.com/5485610 Click Here for the kindle ebook version! For all books check out: http://amazon.com/author/ericauxier And now . . .  I am in love with a feisty French woman named, Fifi. She is fickle, and many other lovestruck pilots […]

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Word on the Ramp: Oshkosh or Bust!

JOIN US! at Aviation Universe Sunday, July 19th at 11am For a Pre-Oshkosh Bash and Book Release Party for There I Wuz! Adventures From 3 Decades in the Sky Volume 2 I’ll be there to chat with you and fellow aviation enthusiasts. I’ll be talking about Volume 2, as well as my upcoming novel, Jihadi […]

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Piloty Stuff!

Friends, I’ve been working hard behind the scenes to brings you more amazing aviation content! Thought I’d touch base with you in regards to some great upcoming stuff.  First, however, I hope all you daddies out there had an excellent Father’s Day. I know I did! OK, so I spent the day flying my A321 across the country, but […]

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