Word on the Ramp: Lighting & Fire & Bombs, Oh My!

Folks, it’s time for another edition of . . . WORRRRD ON THE RAMP! Our Periodic Video Roundup of All Cool Things Aviation!   IN THIS ISSUE: The Looming Pilot Shortage—it’s Here! Uh, right? British Airways B777 catches FIRE on takeoff. Iron Maiden’s “Ed Force One;” the Last USAirways flight; airplane LIGHTNING STRIKE caught on camera; pilot’s […]

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Women in Aviation: Karlene Petitt, Author, Aviator, Blogger, & CNN Rock Star!

NOTE In honor of those heroes lost on 9/11 and the war on terror, ALL Cap’n Aux posts and social feeds will be blacked out for 24 hours. Previous 9/11 posts and links 2014: http://capnaux.com/911-in-memorium/ 2013: http://capnaux.com/911-we-remember/ 2012: http://capnaux.com/911-we-remember-2/ (Some hotlinks in posts may be outdated) Ladies and Gentlemen, our Women in Aviation series continues, exploring more Careers in Aviation, […]

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Women in Aviation: Jessica Cox—One Handy Pilot!

Ladies and Gents our Women in Aviation series continues, discovering more successful ladies of aviation!   Last week, we featured B-777 Captain Monica Vargas, a pilot who continues to shatter gender barriers worldwide. Back home in the U.S., there’s another female pilot who’s shattering more barriers than just gender: Jessica Cox.   Ever since birth, by sheer determination, she has overcome overwhelming […]

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Women in Aviation: Tales From the Terminal!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard our FIRST in a series of guest posts by women of, in, or just “plane” crazy about, aviation!   Kicking off our series is Jennifer S., an accountant for a large U.S. airport in the Midwest. Unlike most of her bored (and boring?) coworkers, she is absolutely gaga about aviation. She has recently […]

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