Catching Up With Our Blog Buddies!

    This post is dedicated to the memory of USAirways, its last flight having flown into the history books today, estimated to touch down at 06:08 EDT, the very same minute of this post. Now part of the “New American Airlines,” the world’s largest airline, it will fly on along with the rich legacy of past carriers […]

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Cap'n Aux in the Simulator


WOW . . . Sales for the new book are really crankin’! And best part is . . . YOU GUYS are making it happen! Jihadi Hijacking has reached NUMBER 3 in Amazon’s “YA Spy” Category! And, like a jet airliner, still climbing! What’s more, it’s rapidly approaching a Top 100 spot in two other categories, […]

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Celebrating the Life of Captain Mike Johnston

IT IS WITH HEAVY HEART that we announce the loss of one of our own, Captain Michael Johnston. As you’ve probably heard on the headlines by now, Captain Johnston was the pilot who died inflight on American Airlines flight 550, enroute PHX-BOS. First Officer  Steve Stackelhouse declared a Medical Emergency and diverted safely to Syracuse. Sadly, […]

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Women of Aviation—SkyChick Ramona Cox: The Airway Less Traveled!

NOTICES TO AIRMEN: IT’S OUT!!! PREORDER Jihadi Hijacking at Discount NOW for your Kindle or any eReader with a Kindle app! Print version releases October 15! Link: Every passenger’s nightmare. And every simulator pilot’s fantasy! BONUS Both previous Code Name: Dodger novels now at discount through October 15! Code Name: Dodger Mission 1       […]

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Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts . . . You’re in for one heck of a wild ride! Announcing the publication of my latest novel, Jihadi Hijacking! One teen orphan. One secret agent. Six armed hijackers . . . Even if they can overcome the terrorists, who’s going to fly the plane? Every passenger’s nightmare—and […]

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