The Legacy of ValuJet 592

This week marks the 20th anniversary of the ValuJet 592 tragedy.   On May 11, 1996, Flight 592’s McDonnell-Douglas DC-9 crashed into the Everglades a mere eleven minutes after takeoff from Miami, killing all 110 people on board.   On takeoff, improperly packaged and labeled oxygen generators in the cargo compartment caught fire, which quickly spread […]

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Interlude: May the 4th Be With You!

Folks, right now I’m deadheading to KLAX to start my long trek across the skies, so just a quick laser blast to wish you all a happy (Un)Official International “Star Wars Day”! (You know, as in, “May the 4th be with you?”) Just for fun, here’s my favorite spoof of the latest Star Wars flick, […]

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Prince and . . . Chemtrails?

It’s been a tough year for music lovers, as in short succession we’ve lost no less than three icons: country legend Merle Haggard, androgynous rocker David Bowie, and now that even more androgynous rocker, Prince.   While I didn’t really appreciate Prince’s music back in the Day (do much more now), I’ve always greatly respected him as an artist. He […]

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Word on the Ramp: Chicks Rule!

Folks, from the flight blog, welcome aboard another edition of . . . WORRRRD ON THE RRRAMP! Our periodic video roundup of All Cool Things Aviation! Episode 16-2: Chicks Rule! In this edition: Airline crash updates; Airport Security & the Brussels Bombing; When pigs—er, dogs, Fly; First Class view of a Solar Eclipse; Gnarly New Zealand […]

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Dillon SWA 2

Cap’n Dillon: Adventure-Inspiration-Hope!

Happy April Fool’s Hangover Day! I trust you didn’t get caught by (too many) pranks! If you missed out on the shenanigans, however, here’s a fun prank unleashed by Southwest to start your day! Direct Link: What were some of YOUR pranks out there yesterday? We’d love to hear it in the Comment section below! But First, […]

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