9/11 — Never Forget.

#9/11 This is a bittersweet week for aviation. While many avgeeks are frothing over the the release of “Sully” on 9/9, close on its heels comes 9/11. Read my 9/11 experience at the new AirwaysNews.com blog HERE Direct Link: https://airwaysmag.com/capnaux/99-and-911/ Note: in honor of those heroes lost on 9/11 and the war on terror, ALL Cap’n Aux posts and social feeds will be blacked out […]

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New #Sully Movie: Going for Olympic #Rio16 Gold?

New #Sully Movie: Going for Olympic #Rio16 Gold Clint Eastwood – Tom Hanks – Cap’n Sully – Miracle on the Hudson . . . New #Sully Movie: Going for Olympic #Rio16 Gold? My First Blog post for the New AirwaysMag.com! Folks, from the flight deck, this Cap’n Aux speaking. Our flight out of La Guardia […]

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Wotr 16-4: Meteors & Skydivers & #PokemonGo, Oh MY!

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for another edition of . . . WORRRRD ON THE RRRAMP! Our periodic roundup of All Cool Things Aviation! Episode 16-4: Emirates 521 crash & evacuation videos; MH 370 update; Oshkosh 2016; Mysterious fireballs in the U.S. sky; President signs Aviation Bill; Formation flight with a Red Bull plane…and a skydiver. […]

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