New #Sully Movie: Going for Olympic #Rio16 Gold?

New #Sully Movie: Going for Olympic #Rio16 Gold Clint Eastwood – Tom Hanks – Cap’n Sully – Miracle on the Hudson . . . New #Sully Movie: Going for Olympic #Rio16 Gold? My First Blog post for the New! Folks, from the flight deck, this Cap’n Aux speaking. Our flight out of La Guardia […]

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Wotr 16-4: Meteors & Skydivers & #PokemonGo, Oh MY!

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for another edition of . . . WORRRRD ON THE RRRAMP! Our periodic roundup of All Cool Things Aviation! Episode 16-4: Emirates 521 crash & evacuation videos; MH 370 update; Oshkosh 2016; Mysterious fireballs in the U.S. sky; President signs Aviation Bill; Formation flight with a Red Bull plane…and a skydiver. […]

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An Airline is Born!

On April 15, 1926, a young pilot named Charles A. Lindbergh flew a bag of mail in his DH-4 biplane from Chicago to St. Louis. Lindbergh’s company, Robertson Aircraft Corporation, eventually consolidated with several others to form what is known today as American Airlines, the largest airline in the world.   Flash forward some 90 […]

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