Word on the Ramp: Special Merry Chemtrail—er, Christmas Edition!

Word on the Ramp: Special Merry Chemtrail—er, Christmas Edition! Ladies and gentlemen, from the flight blog, wishing you and yours a Happy, Healthy Holiday season, and the mostest excellentest of New Years! Time for another edition of . . . WORRRRD ON THE RRRAMP! Our periodic video roundup of All Cool Things Aviation! Word on […]

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Adventures of Cap’n Raph!

Adventures of Cap’n Raph! Folks, from the flight deck…I hope you had a grand Thanksgiving weekend. I know I did! Sometimes the stars align, the aviation gods smile upon you…and Adventures ensue! This was one of those weekends. For, my good Blog Buddy Raphaël F, an A320 Captain from Switzerland, was visiting the U.S. Things just […]

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Stuff Those CyberMonday Stockings with the Gift of Flight!

Stuff Those CyberMonday Stockings with the Gift of Flight! What’s a true avgeek do when not flying? Read about flying! Folks, don’t forget to give the gift of Literary flight! Help your aviation-obsessed loved ones fly high this year by stuffing their stockings with aeronautical adventures! Right now, ALL my print books are at or near Amazon’s […]

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