FREE and Cleared for Takeoff!

FREE and Cleared for Takeoff!

FREE and Cleared for Takeoff! Ladies and Gentlemen, start your downloads! There I Wuz! Adventures From 3 Decades in the Sky Volume 4 is NOW available! Amazon Print: Amazon Kindle eBook: FREE and Cleared for Takeoff! To celebrate this weekend’s release, Volume 1 is FREE on Kindle, all weekend long! Print version is also at […]

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Word on the Ramp Video—Inflight Ghosts, Goblins & Gremlins!

Word on the Ramp Video—Inflight Ghosts, Goblins & Gremlins! Folks, from the FRIGHT Deck, Welcome to another edition of . . . WORRRRD ON THE RRRAMP! Our Periodic VIDEO Roundup of All Cool Things Aviation Submitted by and featuring YOU! Episode 17-4: Special HAUNTED Edition! You’ve entered “The Flylight Zone”—and you don’t need aviophobia to […]

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#TIW4: Puerto Rico Hurricane Disaster Relief #Aviation-Style!

#TIW4: Puerto Rico Hurricane Disaster Relief #Aviation-Style!

#TIW4: Puerto Rico Hurricane Disaster Relief #Aviation-Style! Heroes of the Hurricanes! Folks,despite the political issues going on, I’m happy to report that I’ve been receiving myriad stories of great aviation folk like you, cutting through the government red tape with their props n’ fan blades, and GETTING RELIEF TO HURRICANE-STRICKEN PUERTO RICO! As hard as […]

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There I Wuz! Volume 4…

There I Wuz! Volume 4… IT’S (ALMOST) HERE! When’s it out? When’s it out? you ask . . . Well, this summer was crazy-busy, and I missed my traditional deadline for Volume 4 of our wildly popular series, There I Wuz! Adventures From 3 Decades in the Sky But take heart! It’s nearly completed, and […]

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