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Free Fly Spy Adventures on Kindle Vella!

Cap’n Aux Free Fly Spy Adventures on Kindle Vella! What do Charles Dickens, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Ernest Hemingway, Hunter S. Thompson, and Cap’n Aux have in common? They all published serialized stories! Teener-Skater-Punker-Spy! Folks, many of you have been clamoring for more of Justin Reed’s adventures, the heroic teen orphan-turned-spy of my “Code Name: Dodger” teen Fly […]

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Missing Man Banner

Memorial Day Special

COMEMORATING MEMORIAL DAY Ladies and Gentlemen, in honor of our Nation’s Fallen, may I humbly present an Encore Presentation of one of my most popular blog posts…   Flying a Fallen Hero During a routine flight, I experienced one of the greatest—and most heart-rending—honors a modern airline pilot can have:  Captaining a flight that is […]

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