Folks, as you know, we here at Adventures of Cap’n Aux are all about adventure! And, this guest post from Red Horse Aviation fits right in! A surprise flight, a $100 hamburger, a bucket list dream fulfilled…and some well-earned smiles. Read on!
(Disclaimer: I came across this story, and really thought you’d all enjoy it. I have no other affiliation with the Red Horse Aviation site, and no financial ties. But, it does look to me like a great site to explore. Enjoy!)
Oh, and PS: I really love the shirt I bought from their site!
A pic from the story: KAVX Airport sits atop Catalina Island, off the coast of California. A great destination for $100 hamburgers!
A Flight to Remember!
by David Smith,
Owner, Red Horse Aviation
Doug and his wife Grace had been a close family friends of ours for many years. High on his bucket list, Doug told me, was to experience a flight out to Catalina airport.
I had planned a day to fly out to this famous “Airport in the Sky,” so his wife and I decided to keep the planned flight a secret from him; making my own dream flight, along with checking a box off a good friend’s bucket list, come true!
Click on the link below to read the story, then meet back here for more goodies!
Red Horse Aviation is a veteran-owned company that was created for those who have a passion for aviation, and not just only pilots, but all aviation enthusiasts, from aircraft mechanics to Air Traffic Controllers, and beyond. We develop a brand that is not just a logo, but also a name that represents a life style, along with helping to educate all pilots.
As passionate aviators, we figured, if there is comfortable, relaxing clothing made for the outdoor enthusiast, then why not for aviators? Our apparel is not your everyday cotton shirt. The shirts are made of a polyester/cotton blinded material which will keep aviators or just anyone cooler, dryer and more comfortable during any activity-even on the hottest days. Especially those who sweat their ass off, flying aircraft in the hot, humid locations with no air conditioning built into the airplane.
I hope you enjoyed today’s guest post, Folks! As I said, we’re all about adventure and fun stories like that. Got your own adventure to share? We’d love to hear it!
By the way, I never flew into KAVX, but I did actually sail there once with my dad and uncle, to the main town of Avalon. What an awesome, magical place!
Also, recently, I’ve been overflying KAVX on my way to the Hawaiian Islands. It’s a main waypoint that starts the overwater routes to the Islands. I always get a thrill looking down to see it!
By the way, if you haven’t seen it (or just wanna see it again), here’s our own $100 hamburger story, starring everyone’s favorite Cap’n, Cap’n Dillon!
Have you ever been kidnapped by the Japanese Yakuza and had to escape their private jet mid-flight? Teen orphan Justin Reed has!
"One of the best books I've ever read! Absolutely in the same league as the Harry Potter series!"
Check out Justin’s 4-mission Fly-Spy Adventure,
written by Cap’n Aux!
Missions can be read in any order.
Happy Halloween!
It’s that time of year for my favorite holiday!
I’ve got the spooky graveyard all set up outside, and am Jones’ing for some good Hallow’s Eve events!
Unfortunately, this year, Bunny will be handing out the treats at Haunted Aux Mansion to all the lil ghouls ‘n goblins, while I’m on another Hawaii overnight (ya, life’s tough that way!)
I suppose I could always go out for some tricks ‘n treats in my emergency backup (and favorite) costume:
Blind Pilot!
Just for fun, here’s another video from a couple years ago. Our Halloween-themed “Word on the Ramp” video—I think one of our best ever!